Good news everyone, I’ve bought 3 more tubes of the Revlon Colorburst lip butters to give away to one lucky winner! Since a lot of people are having a hard time finding these new lip butters, I thought I’d save someone the trouble of searching for them. If you haven’t heard about these new lip butters, you can read my thoughts on them in my original post.
One winner will be chosen randomly and will be sent 3 brand new, never opened tubes of the Revlon Colorburst lip butter. The winner will get my two favorite colors: Creme Brulee and Cotton Candy. You can see my swatch of Creme Brulee here and the Cotton Candy swatch here. And the third color is one I have not tried, Raspberry Pie. It looks like a beautiful berry wine color.

*Update: Giveaway entries are now closed. Thanks to everyone who participated!
This giveaway will be closed on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at Midnight EST. You must be a U.S. citizen and have a valid U.S. mailing address to enter. I’ll contact the winner via email to get their mailing address. I’ll mail the lip butters out asap, hopefully just in time for you to wear one to your Thanksgiving dinner!
To enter the giveaway, all you need to do is leave me a comment telling me which of these colors you’ll be most excited to try. Only one comment entry per person for this giveaway. If you’d like a second chance to win, tweet the following exactly as it appears:
@myfindsonline Is Giving Away 3 Tubes Of Revlon’s New Colorburst Lip Butter. Enter Before Midnight EST on Nov 16 ~
If by chance the winner does not respond to my email by Midnight November 18, 2011 another winner will be chosen and contacted.
Good Luck!
I really like the Creme Brulee shade.
The Cotton Candy is so pretty!
Oh my gosh, I love the cotton candy and the creme brulee….choices choices.
I really want to try Creme Brulee! I saw swatches of it, and I love the color. 🙂 I was so miffed when my local CVS didn’t have it… maybe I’ll check back next week.
Thanks so much for holding the giveaway!
Im really excited to try raspberry pie shade! Looks so pretty!(: I havent seen any of these around ;(
Creme Brulee! My favorite dessert and I’m obsessed with nude lippies =)
I would like to try Candy Apple.
I would love to win these!! I have 2 teen daughters and we could share!! I think we all would like to try cotton candy…no calories!!! lol
I wanna try the Cotton Candy!
I’m most excited to try the Raspberry Pie! 🙂
I would love to try the cotton candy. Thank you.
They all look fabulous, but the creme brulee would be the first one I would try.
I’d love to try raspberry pie
Very excited for raspberry pie, it’s such a gorgeous, happy color 🙂
raspberry pie looks pretty awesome! 🙂
I would love to try Raspberry Pie <3
Im excited to try raspberry pie 😀
I would love to try the Creme Brulee shade, since i know I will get a lot of use out of it. Plus, winter is on the way and need a good lip moisturizer that is also work-friendly.
So psyched to try Raspberry Pie! Perfect color for winter season.
I really like the Raspberry Pie. I’ve hunted all over and not found these yet.
I would love to try Raspberry Pie!
Ever since you put your first post up, I have been trying to find these lip butters everywhere. I have no luck finding them! The color I am most excited to try is creme brulee! The raspberry one is a close second. 🙂 these colors are amazing
Ive heard such great things about theses, id love to try the creme brulee!
I cannot wait to try these! I have been searching everywhere!!! They are no where around here yet…I cannot wait to try many of these but mostly RASPBERRY PIE!!!
I love creme brulee! Looks like a fantastic nude color. 🙂
I would LOVE to try the raspberry pie. It looks like it would give your lips that “bitten” look!
I’ve been very interested in this new line, but I haven’t seen the lip butters around yet. I would love to try Creme Brulee! 😀
I think the Cotton Candy one is so pretty! Hope I win cause I haven’t been able to find these anywhere and have been so excited to try them out! Thanks for doing this giveaway!!
I have been dying to try these! I really like creme brûlée shade!
The cotton candy looks fabulous. Thanks!
I sooooo badly want to try ALL of them but that creme brûlée looks so sweet and easy ton wear on a daily basis. My lips chap easily since weather is so unpredictable in the Chi. I have been looking everywhere and to no avail—not cool not even the revlon website has them! Like who doesn’t have info on their own products? Argh! Thanks for the tease lol 😉
Creme Brulee is gooorgeous! I have such dry lips now that it’s winter, and this would be awesome.
id love to try raspberry pie!
The Raspberry Pie shade looks lovely. Since I first read about these, I’
ve been hunting high and low for them to no avail 🙁
Cotton Candy looks pretty!
I like Cotton Candy.
Creme Brulee!
Hmm… out of your swatches, I like Creme Brulee the best.
I would love to try the Raspberry Pie color! I have already searched all of the stores in my area and we don’t have these yet. 🙁
Creme Brulee sounds yummy and looks so pretty!
Love cotton candy!
ohemgeee! your so awesome!!! i’ve been trying to find these at my local Walgreens but they don’t have it :O and i’ve been wanting to try the Candy Apple sooo much! ^w^
thanks for this giveaway!!! ~?
Ohh, love Creme Brûlée!! Though Raspberry Pie might be a sweet color XD
I would be most excited to try Raspberry Pie! I’ve seen so many great things about these, and I can’t wait to try them. 🙂
Love the creme brulee!
I’m most excited about Creme Brulee!
I think Creme Brulee is so pretty!
i wanna try the cotton candy and tutti frutti! woop woop
I’ve been seeing these all over youtube and I can’t get them in my area yet. Super excited to try the Rasberry Pie…sounds GREAT! Thanks!
I am excited to try candy apple because I always like to wear a nice red around the holidays! (I am interested in trying all of them, to be honest. ) Thanks for the contest. 🙂
I can’t wait to try these! I’m looking forward to trying Raspberry Pie. I hope my local store stocks them.
Creme brulee for sure! 🙂
Raspberry Pie looks beautiful. Would love to try that.
I would love to try Cotton Candy! I already have Creme Brulee and it is AMAZING!!!
I’m really interested in trying Cotton Candy, looks pretty 😀
Raspberry Pie looks gorgeous and has such a delicious name!
I am definitely most excited to try all of them! They sound all good enough to eat! They look gorgeous..especially Cotton Candy 🙂
I would love try out Creme Brulee. Im really excited about all these new chapsticky, lip butter products like baby lips I love lip products but not so much lipsticks because I dont enjoy all of the color so these are perfect, cant wait to find them and try them myself.
I am really excited to try the Cotton Candy one. It looks fantastic!
I would love to try Raspberry Pie
Tweeted about your giveaway.!/bluekittycat/status/134922885650317312
Raspberry Pie is my fave color!
I just tweeted: @myfindsonline Is Giving Away 3 Tubes Of Revlon’s New Colorburst Lip Butter. Enter Before Midnight EST on Nov 16 ~
Can’t wait to try these lip butters, especially Creme Brulee!
I would love to try the creme brulee one the most 🙂
I really want to try Creme Brulee!!!
I would really like to try Creme Brulee. it looks pretty natural and nice =) thank u for the giveaway. hope i win.
Creme Brulee
Creme Brulee 🙂
I would absolutely love to try creme brule!!! I really want to start trying to wear more nude colors and I cant wait to try them all!
I would love to try out Creme Brulee and Raspberry Pie! I have been eyeing these products for a while, but I can just never let myself splurge on these products! Heard these lip products are so amazingly moisturizing! 🙂
i cant wai tto try Cotton Candy!
Oh raspberry pie! Scrumpdilliishus!
I am a lip product whore. The only lipstick I’ve ever liked was Revlon’s Absolutely Fabulous Lip Cream; but balm… I am an addict. My username on pretty much every site it chapstickaddict. I tried to get Creme Brûlée last night and couldn’t find it anywhere in the town I live in. Lots of reviews on this product have me hoping it’s going to my new go-to lip product & the perfect shade for work! So excited about this giveaway!
I would like to try Creme Brulee!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I tweeted!!/silverwoodkids/status/135368861280247808
I would love to win the creme brûlée!
I would love to try Creme Brulee
creme brulee is the one I want to try most!
I would love to try the raspberry pie or the creme brulee! It’s been hard to find these in stores, either the stores don’t have the display yet or they’ve been sold out 🙁
I would love to try the Cream Brulee. The color looks so natural!
I can’t wait to try raspberry pie! 🙂 thank you!
I’m looking forward to trying the Raspberry Pie color… it looks like such a lovely pink shade based on your photographs! Thank you for hosting this giveaway. 🙂
I would love to try creme brûlée because i would love an everyday go to lipstick thats moisturizing.
I tweeted from!/SweeetSylvia
i’m looking forward to trying creme brulee!
Creme brulee is a must have for me that color is gorgeous.
creme brulee is so pretty i can’t wait to try
I’ve been searching high & low for Creme Brûlée! I found 1 local store that carries these and they were already out of the 2 shades that I wanted so badly. These are amazing! 🙂
I love a nice nude shade so I’m excited for Crème Brûlée!
I would like to try raspberry pie!
Cotton Candy! Thank you for the swatches in your past posts!!! =)
I can’t wait to try these, especially creme brulee!! No stores in hawaii carry these products yet!!!
I would LOVE to try the Cotton Candy !! I cant find them anywhere !!
Creme brule! Looks soo pretty!
Raspberry Pie! <3
thanks for the chance to win!
I want to try Rasberry Pie the most out of the three colors, but i really eventually want to try about 10 colors!
I would like to try Raspberry Pie. Thanks.
I am most excited to try the Creme Brulee as I prefer softer colors for lip color for every day wear. The other two colors would probably be more for evenings out or special occasions. Thanks so much for the excellent review of these lip butters and for the giveaway!
I am most excited to try Cotton Candy! I’m currently obsessed with a light pink lip… 🙂
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
kara recently posted..Meds, hope, and laughter
Definitely want to try Cotton Candy. They are sold out at my store. These seem awesome!
I have been looking like a crazy person for RASPBERRY PIE!!! It is SOOOO pretty!!! <3 <3
I really want the hot pink one “cotton candy” cuz i’ve been wanting to try hot pink lip stick. And i like these cuz i’ve heard they’re moist. eek!!
I would love the peach parfait.I have almost all the colors I want except for Red Velvet and peach Parfait.
Of these three, I like the Raspberry Pie best! I am really looking forward to trying Red Velvet. Thank you for the giveaway!
I’m most excited to try the Rassberry pie because I’m light toned
Im most excited about Creme Brulee. I haven’t seen this color in stores, so I would love to try it.
I am most excited to try Cotton Candy!! Thank you for holding this contest! So stoked! 😀
i would love to try raspberry pie! 🙂
Evann recently posted..Haul! China Glaze: Ruby Pumps & Liquid Leather
I’m most excited to try Creme Brulee because I love neutral/nude colors!