Lush Honey Trap ($6.95) is a tiny, 0.3oz, round tin of solid lip balm. If you’ve never heard of Lush, they are a handmade cosmetics company that uses only fresh ingredients. You can find Lush stores all over the United States and in various foreign countries or you can order online at
Honey Trap is a beeswax and shea butter based lip balm with oils such as almond, olive, wheatgerm, peppermint, and sweet wild orange. It also contains yummy stuff like white chocolate, vanilla and of course honey.
Honey Trap is a firm solid consistency in the tin. You rub your finger across the top until it warms a bit and transfers to your finger. Rub it on your lips and go. The size is great for throwing in your purse or coat pocket. It smells very sweet like a combo of the white chocolate and honey with a touch of mint. To me it really doesn’t taste like anything though, bummer.
When applied to the lips, it gives them a smooth, silky feel. But a few minutes later, not so much. I really don’t like the way it leaves my lips after about 15 minutes. My lips feel even drier after using Honey Trap.
And an hour later, my lips feel uncomfortable. They’re dried out and cracking, begging me for sweet relief in the form of my favorite EOS lip balm. I’m bummed cause I really wanted to like this. It gets rave reviews on the Lush site and is a best seller. I have very sensitive skin so maybe it just doesn’t agree with me.
Let me know below if you’ve ever tried Lush Honey Trap before and what your opinion is.
Thanks for sharing ~ I have been wanting to try it. We live in a dry climate and I cannot be without lip protection. One of my new favorites is the Soft Candy lip balm by Treat. The tube is huge. My current fav is the vanilla buttercream. All natural ingredients also. I order from Amazon. Here is their website ~