A few months ago I was sent some skincare products to try from B•Liv by Cellnique and have been using them nonstop. The company is located overseas but offers free shipping worldwide. Let’s take a look at what I was sent.
Spots Got Shot ($25) is an acne treatment serum. I’ve been using this as a spot treatment for blemishes when they first pop up on my skin. I apply a small amount twice daily and it does seem to make pimples go away faster.
I’ve used spot treatments before but never really had good results with them. This one has been clearing up my trouble spots within 3 days of use.
Off With Those Heads ($49) is a clear gel with a pump top. It’s supposed to control oil and keep acne away while clearing blackheads and whiteheads. I use this gel strictly on my t-zone at least once daily, usually in the mornings.
Although I don’t have a real problem with blackheads and whiteheads, it does make my pores smaller, especially on my nose. If I’ve been in a rush and skipped it for several days, I really notice the differenec once I start using it again.
No Spots Bye Dots ($28) is a facial cleanser that I keep in my shower and use daily with my Clarisonic. It’s meant to exfoliate skin and get rid of dead skin cells. I noticed a difference in my skin the very first time I used this! It makes my skin feel so soft and smooth immediately!
Immerse Me ($25 for 10) is a moisturizing paper facial mask that contains 100% pure hyaluronic acid. This is the one thing in the bunch that I did not like. For some reason this really irritated my skin. I do have sensitive skin and this made it red, blotchy and a bit itchy.
Overall I highly recommend this skincare line. I really love the first 3 products mentioned and would definitely buy them once they’re empty. I’ve been using everything for about two months now and I haven’t even gone through 1/2 of each product so they do go a very long way.
Available online at B.Liv by Cellnique. Find B.Liv on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Ooh I’ve heard great things about their products. I definitely need to get Off With Those Heads.
Sandy recently posted..Priti NYC Fashion Week Fall 2013 collaborations
It’s definitely worth a try Sandy!
I’ve never heard of this brand but the products do sound interesting. I would do anything to fade my acne scars, they’ve literally been on my face for so long. 🙁
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