My husband and I live in a small suburban neighborhood full of families and pets. We do get deer in our yards, especially during winter, but that has always been the extent of wild animals. This past Saturday morning at 4:25 am I was awakened but the most frightening sound I have ever heard.
I was immediately alarmed that there was something terribly wrong. I looked out our bedroom window and saw nothing. The sound stopped so I used the bathroom and started to head back to bed. Then I heard it again. It sounded so close to our house but I couldn’t see what it was. I headed down the hall toward the living room. My 2 cats were wide eyed sitting in the living room where the sound was quite loud. I turned on the front porch light and looked out the living room window.
To my surprise and horror, there was a red fox in the yard with a cat cowering in front of him. I immediately went to wake up my husband. I couldn’t possibly leave that poor little cat to fend for himself. The porch light must have been enough to scare the fox away. When we finally made our way onto the porch they were both gone. I can only hope and pray that the little kitty made its way safely back home.
My husband was upset that he didn’t get to hear or see our little visitor. I kept telling him it was making noise like I never heard before. I kept trying to describe it, but he only looked at me like I was crazy. So I did a little searching online and found many people have videos posted on YouTube of a red fox’s cry. If you have never experienced it for yourself, take a look. Once you hear it, try to imagine hearing something so creepy just outside of your house, only yards away.
WOW, Scary noise!
Joel Libava
Joel, thanks for the comment. Yes, it is very loud and scary. I will definitely never forget that sound!
Yea that was pretty creepy! And actually a lot different than I thought it would sound.
I heard 2 of them one night in my yard, I though my neighbors were being murdered. It was so loud. I have had two of my cats disappear in the last 6 months – coincidence – I think not. My daughter and I have seen 3 fox kits (they are beautiful) right outside our back door. But now I fear for my 2 kitties that are left.
Scary isn’t it?! Id never heard anything like it before that. Hope your kitties are still safe.